Oil Proof Candle Dust Covers

Oil Proof Candle Dust Covers

Some wax and fragrance oil combinations can experience a phenomenon known as "sweating," where the oil separates from the wax and beads on the candle surface, resulting in unsightly stains on the dust cover. Soy wax can be particularly susceptible to this issue. Fortunately, there are several potential solutions available to mitigate this problem.

Synthetic Material

The most effective solution is to use a synthetic material we have here at Norman’s Printery. This material is 100% oil proof. It is best used for digital printing and some foils will work on it. While it is the most effective solution, it also is the most costly material we carry.


Another solution is to apply laminate to the underside of the paper. While this solution certainly helps, it is not 100% oil proof, as any oils that bead up and contact the outer cut edge or the wick hole may seep into the paper. This solution is the best option with letterpress printing or debossing. It also can be used with uncoated papers when printing the image.

UV Coating

Similar to laminating, this solution is not 100% oil proof. UV Coating will only work on coated papers and on larger runs tends to be the most cost-effective solution.

This chart list methods and material for different types of effects. Keep in mind there will be some limitations for certain types of effects as listed above.

Synthetic Material


UV Coating*

Digital Printing

Foil Stamping


Letterpress Printing

*UV Coating is only compatible with coated paper

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